Let’s Launch Together
Alsop Group is focused on technology strategy and management for product development.
Qualified Staff
Our consultants are highly experienced and include MBA and PMP certified professionals
Development & Design
We have experience designing everything from websites to mobile and SaaS applications
Strategy & Management
Our staff has held key senior roles in Fortune 50 companies as well as co-founding roles in startups
Technology Solutions & Services
Alsop Group is focused on delivering technology strategy, product management, and innovation design. With over twenty years of experience in the technology sector, our team has worked with both Fortune 50 and startups to bring strategy to execution and ideas to delivery.
From Big to Small
Alsop Group has worked on managing multi-million dollar capital budgets and projects to working at the very beginning of startups.
What We Offer
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Ideation Development
Using leading processes such as the Business Model and Value Proposition canvas.
Technology Strategy
Business Management Consulting to develop technology strategy for your product and solutions.
Product Design
From idea, to pixels. to user stories, to product management with development teams to deliver on.
Our Approach to Product
We are huge proponents of both Human Centered Design theories, Customer Development, and Lean Startup methodologies. That means understaninding your customers, the pains/gains your product delivers, how your business model works, and then designing product, technology, and strategy to best deliver value to your customer segments.
We have experience using tools and processes found in MBA types of processes, waterfall project management, and agile product management.
Business Model Canvas
The Business Model Canvas is a fantastic tool and process to test assumptions and create a common language in your organization.
Value Proposition Design
It all starts with your customer. The Value Proposition Design process expands on the Business Model Canvas and focuses on your customer segments and understanding the pains and gains that become opportunities for your product.
Contact Us
(604) 644.9141
Vancouver, BC Canada
Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm PST
Our Services
Alsop Group is focused on technology management and product design.